Title: Diversity in the Workplace

Description: "A mosaic of individual portraits representing a diverse workforce, with people of various ages, ethnicities, and professional backgrounds smiling and looking at the camera. This image reflects the inclusive and multicultural nature of a modern, diverse workplace."


Fox19 NOW | Mivie Interview
Local Group Creates A National Standard for Social Impact
September 5, 2023
Movers & Makers Cincinnati
Local startup offers first social impact certification for businesses.
August 5, 2023
Cincinnati Business Courier
This Queensgate-based organization has developed a national standard for corporate social responsibility.
August 4, 2023
Cincinnati Compass Finds its "Rhythm"
To kick off National Welcoming Week, Mivie was proud to be a sponsor of "Cincinnati Rhythm," an event hosted by local nonprofit organization Cincinnati Compass.
September 17, 2021

with mivie

Championing DEI is the future of corporate leadership. By choosing Mivie, you're not only securing a certification—you're investing in a vision of inclusivity and prosperity for every stakeholder. Align with the best, and let's shape that future together.
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Title: Mivie Logo Graphic

Description: "A stylized representation of the Mivie logo, featuring two interconnected figures forming the letter 'M' with a circular head above each peak, conveying a theme of unity and connection, embodying the company's focus on social impact and inclusivity."
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